Thursday, January 3, 2008

Look out, Lance Armstrong...

So, I first must apologize on my lengthy vacation from posting. I apologize, but I do not promise to get better. School started today. Oh the joy. My instructor told us all to go home, and tell our significant others, that for the next 3 weeks - they would pretty much be on their own. Not awesome. But that is not the point.

You all know that I have put on a few lbs. I am not really embarrassed about the fact. I let the entire world know that I can barely put a pair of pants on that I bought 3 years ago. This post is about my die hard quest to lose those pounds.

It all started 8 days before the annual PHS Alumni tournament... I was thinking about how the last time I exercised was before Tyler was born and how the last time I had touched a basketball was around that same time. I then decided that I needed to do two things.

1. Start exercising, and
2. Play an actual game of basketball before the tournament started.

It was the Tuesday before Christmas. I called a friend to see if they still played ball Tue. nights. He said yes, I said I would be there because of the reason stated above. I truly intended to play.

I then decided that I should at least walk on the treadmill to evaluate my out-of-shapeness. I ran/jogged for about 30 minutes. I was so proud of myself (and tired) that I didn't go play that night. I then told myself that I would run each night up to the tournament.

The tournament came --- # of times I had run on the treadmill since the first time? - yep. 0.

However, I felt ok in the tournament. I didn't die. I again was so proud that I actually exercised. Ok, on to today. I got home and decided that I would run again. I was motivated by the want to listen to my newly acquired "Boys Like Girls" CD. It worked. I ran/walked for about 30 minutes again - it was a pretty good workout.

Now, I ask of you, my fellow Americans, (if you are not American you do not fully understand the laziness, therefore, you are excluded, sorry) how long is it going to take me to lose those unwanted pounds on my new "Once a month" running program? I think Peyton was right.


Unknown said...

with once a month exercising, you can lose the weight, it just needs to be combined with the anorexic diet. It may also be successful with the bulemic diet, but may take slightly longer, and the teeth may suffer some.

Tikes said...

A fairy told me once, that to lose weight, it only matters 20% what/how you exercise, and 80% what you can still lose weight on your once a month exercise will just have to eat lots of broccoli, spinach and cilantro...all things that you love.

Your Mom said...

Casey, you are funny. If you tried you could lose 30 pounds in 2 months. Just cut out half of the desserts you eat and run twice a month. When you are female and old like me the body doesn't respond like it should. I can run every day and eat 0 fat/sugar grams and maybe lose 6 pounds in three months. So I support your quest to slim your muffin spillage, just don't whine too much and do it while you're young. Giving birth doesn't help matters either.

Hub said...

Well, I don't know that I will be giving birth anytime soon, so I am not worried about that...

As for giving up my high Cholesterol, high fat, high grease, high good tasting food diet --- I am just not ready to make that commitment.

And for the record, I do love broccoli and cilantro, but I hate spinach... especially when it is riddled with E. coli.

Tikes said...

War your mom referring to your "muffin spillage". I thought your mom was suppossed to love you no matter what.

Riley Alexander said...

Casey, have no fear, I also have thought' I'm totally going to work out and get into shape again. And guess what, everytime I think that I'm like.... well I cant really run yet, and procrastanate again. Just for the record I tried to play the other night for teh first time in like a month, I played two games and pulled my calf muscle. Unwar being old, hurt, sore, and fat.

Your Mom said...

I love my children, muffin spillage and all. And I feed you ice cream, cookies, and pie to prove it.