Monday, January 28, 2008

The Spirit of the Blog Like a Fire is Burning...

Is there anything that the blog can't do? I don't think so. A quick example...

Last week I gave the lesson in Elders quorum. It just so happened to be my first time teaching in Elders quorum ever. It also happened to be ward conference. It just so happened that the stake president was there for the lesson. And it just so happened to be the first time I have given a lesson on a conference talk. The talk was Elder Eyring's "O Remember, Remember" that he just gave this last conference in October. It is he speaks of writing things down to remember them. What do I do? The stake President is there, it is my first time, the pressure is mounting... where can I go? What can I do?

When suddenly, like a flash of light from the sky, I think - THE BLOG! That is right, I talked about how we should all have blogs and how awesome they are and how awesome my blog is and how everyone awesome I know has a blog that is almost as awesome as mine. Yep. I really did.

Mom, don't worry. I talked about other spiritual stuff too, but I even brought a quote from the blog. Tikes - it was part of your 'blogamony' thanks for that. It was sweet.

By the way... you may be wondering what the President's reaction was to all of this... well... after the lesson he asked me, "So, how permanent is a blog?"

Let me translate for you --- I am converted to the power of the blog and want a piece of that sweet action.

War the blogs coming through in the clutch. War blogs being a good and being nice. War me preaching blogs in ward conference and getting away with it.


Riley Alexander said...

First off, wow, the title of this blog is amazing. Atleast like 7 E#'s to you. Hilariouse. I cant belive I didn't think of that one. And then it related to church. Wow, so spiritual before you even begin your story. I will now try to peice the word blog in all sorts of hyms, and probably sing them like that at church. All in all an exellent lesson, although with the one flaw of anyones blog being as awesome as mine. No need for blasphamy at church. I'm also predicting all of team awesome thinking the same thing about that right now.

Unknown said...

A couple of my favorites...Abide with me tis bloggingtide, The Iron Blog, A mighty fortress is our Blog, Called to Blog, Count your many postings, If you could hie to Pearls of Jam, and of course, ye elders of Team Awesome

Tikes said...

Notice which blog you took the quote closed.

I believe it was I who first bore my blogimony, and I believe you based your lesson on my blogimony...this according to a member of your audience that spiritual day...I won't say who.

As for my favorite...

Er you left your house this morning...did you think to blog?

Your Mom said...

I would have loved to have heard your lesson. I love all the adapted Hymns...and the ever present knowledge of the importance of being good and nice.

Hub said...

I talked to him (mystery man) after the lesson. He is the one that goes to ring the bell to let everyone know to wrap up class - he sure took his time by the way.

amynewby said...

i just read a bunch of your posts, they are always good for a huge laugh! Thank you!

Riley Alexander said...

Good work Casey, I have now found a way to intertain myself in sacrament meeting when It gets boring. I will be flipping through the hymns and applying blog termalogy to them. You just made church more fun... wait, is that possible!?

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