Monday, March 31, 2008

My adventure in the "Big City"

I am currently in the process of scheduling my LPN test. This process consists of 3 steps.

1. Register online. This is easy and convenient - as it should be, it's 2008 for crying out loud. Total price in U.S. dollars to complete step 1... $200. Yep. Lame.

2. Print out the application to take the test, fill it out by hand, and run it by the DOPL in Salt Lake. Lame. What happened to the Internet? Anyway... I get around to driving downtown in SLC to drop off the application. I find the address easily enough and it hits me... "Oh crap - I'm going to have to pay for parking." I should have known way before I got there. I don't have any change on me for a meter. I think to myself that maybe, just maybe there will be a parking lot where people can park to take care of government business. I get to the other side of the block and bingo - nice parking lot. I go to turn in to read a sign that said,

"We, the owners of this property are Gay. We know that hundreds of people are forced to park here everyday and we choose take your money -ha ha. Does the government or anyone else care? The answer is no, in fact - they enjoy it as we give them a cut. Your mom."

Ok, so it really said "You must take a ticket, blah, blah, blah... hourly rates, blah, blah blah..."

Anyway, so I park, find an ATM, withdraw $20 (for a fee - of course) and run in to turn in my application. Oh, and a check for $95. Ya. Lame. Got my fingerprints taken for a background check (good thing I am not a felon like some of you are). I then proceed to my car and leave after paying the weirdo in the booth $3 for the 15 minutes I occupied that space.

I then get the wonderful opportunity of driving for an hour and a half to get home. I then take 4 quizzes and decide to go past the point of procrastination to just turning things in late. The paper that is due tomorrow is just going to have to wait until Wednesday. Good thing the semester is winding down. I don't know how much more gas I have - or how much more I can afford with these trips to Salt Lake.

Oh, step 3 - schedule a time to take the test. By the way, the testing center is in Draper. Lame.

Anybody have a Kleenex I can use?


Unknown said...

This is just preparing you for the R.N. boards which cost more because.....they want to charge more. It will also prepare you for the CRNA boards which cost 600.00 dollars to take an 80 question test on a computer which costs the price of a piece of paper and rental of a pencil. I think when I retire I will be an official test giver. Hub, where are you, or are you going to work as a licenced peon nurse?

Your Mom said...

Casey...I am sorry. That sounds like so much fun. But I bet as soon as you got home to your little family and their smiles and hugs and love, you forgot it all. At least till you had to buckle down and do homework and go back out into that world again the next morning. Congratulations on being a member of team awesome...responsible and dependable and motivated and contributing and part of what makes this world and this country great. Thank you. Your mom.
P.S. You are just being good...and nice.

Tikes said... a college grad, I have experienced many of these types of things....I am just glad to be beyond it.

Toll roads are a little harder to avoid....and I am a toll road violater