Sunday, December 16, 2007

World's Best Board Game?

So some friends called up last night, "We have been sitting around wrapping presents and watching movies. We are bored, and by the way, when was the last time you played Monopoly?" I reply, "Come on over and get your beat down." So they show up, we turn off an SNL Holiday special after watching Adam Sandler perform the Channucah song and turn on the Jazz game and head to the table.

Long story short - Ashley was the first to go. A series of bad luck with the dice and taking care of Tyler turned her in. A valiant effort.

Next to go was Brittany (not Spears - if she were to show up I would punch her in the kidney). This Brit is very nice. Anyway, she held out as long as she could with no monopolies and no buildings. It is no wonder she did not win. She didn't want to make any deals. She eventually landed on my NC avenue with 4 houses - $1100 bones, please. That was it.

Now it was down to Marshall and I. He owned the stretch of property from jail to free parking while I owned the home stretch. Yep, the most expensive - including both park place and boardwalk. It was a battle heretofore unheard of. Just he and I went back and forth 4 times. He had all the money and I none, then he lands on one of my properties, I get the money, then land on his, and so on...

The entire game lasted roughly 4 and a half hours. Who came out victorious you ask? Of course, yours truly. Mr. money bags himself. Me. I wish it translated to reality because I could use some of that money and know how. Anyway. Monopoly is awesome. I like boardgames, and I vote that they be played on a more regular basis. Maybe weekly.

I know that team awesome has played Monopoly before, but I don't ever recall being able to finish a game before Mom and some others had had enough of the yelling. I say it's just part of the game. Believe it.


Riley Alexander said...

My vote for all time favorite game has to be "Scene it". Although the Scott side are full of poor sports that accuse me of cheating everytime when I move both teams board marker things. One time I even gave them a couple extra spaces because we were killing them... what did I hear? Cheater, re-count, you never moved us and so on. Overall the boys have a commanding lead in the scene it's. We also have scene it squabble that's good. Unwar poor sports. War games that make it loud and rowdy.

Unknown said...

I also agree with loudness making a game better, especially in monopoly that is a game of greed. Lord of the Rings monopoly is awesome.

Your Mom said...

I think it was your mother that tried and tried to get the family to come play games at the table. Everyone whined like I was asking them to pick up walnuts. And no, it wasn't just to play Nertz. I would have been happy to play anything. I remember the Monopoly games very well, the little girls would leave crying and the boys were yelling at each other like it was real. Lets have a game night...maybe when you come over on Sundays we could play and eat ice cream.

Unknown said...

Thats what Im talking about, the yelling is the key. if you cannot intimidate your foes, its not a game. do you think donald trump eats ice cream and says you're good, you're nice to all the people he does business with? highly unlikely. And as you all know, any competitive game quickly becomes the most important thing on the face of the planet, like the world depends on victory by whoever is yelling the most. Case in point, the tecmo championship. do you REALLY want to play games and eat ice cream?

Hub said...

Playing games and eating ice cream is a great idea... everything involved in the game just needs to be laminated beforehand so that huge globs of cookie dough, moose tracks, and mint chocholate crap don't ruin the game as they are spit everywhere in the midst of the deals. I have never tried to eat and yell at the same time. I think I might choke on a peanut butter chunk and die.

Maybe the people that don't play board games as if their life depends on it could play shutes and ladders while the others play a game in which they can actually influence the outcome. Did that make sense? Monopoly is like the ultimate mix of skill, wit, strategy, and luck. Yes, it can get intense. That is why it is so good (as are the scene it's and other yelling games).

I would like to play a whole game of Risk sometime as well, but I have never even come close to finishing that game. I am thinking it will probably take like 36 straight hours with no potty breaks.

Riley Alexander said...

I think it should be somthing more fast moving, like a scene it game. Or somthing that everyone can get into. I have only played monopoly like once.

Ashley said...

diddo Riley--something everyone can easily play. You die hards can play monopoly together.

Your Mom said...

Okay, bring Scene-it Sunday...or do we have it? Riley probably only played Monopoly once because he left the table crying with the girls. Woops. I love you Riley.

Your Mom said...

PS....In my new family room!!!! Without nice furniture though.

Riley Alexander said...

Was that mom that just threw a diss at me? Keely are you signed in as mom, or is mom just earning her stripes here. And no, monopoly requres lots of patience, time, with only one person at a time. I prefer more of a fast moving, havoc or panic mode by everyone. I will bring scene it, sunday. Why dont we play saturday when we make the gingerbread houses? It's called effeciancy people. Or sunday is fine too.

Tikes said...

I wonder why my wife has not chimed in here. She will not play games with me becuase I want to win. Apparantly games are played for fun? Not around here. You win or you go home crying, its that simple. She complains (in monopoly) when I have park place and I wont sell it to her for 20 dollars. She just ends up quitting before the inevitable happens....bankruptcy, tears, and shame.

Hub said...

Just like the person that will make no deals with anybody for any price. I offered $1100 for Kentucky ave. to such a player that refused to even speak to me. She then gave it to another person for a mere $220. She never even tried to get a monopoly. I think her game plan was to see how much money she could earn by passing go for an hour. Needless to say, she landed on my 4 housed property and was done.

Even if nothing is on the line - something is on the line... bragging rights and pride. I like to have both.

Unknown said...

Once again, we play to win. Why? because we are team awesome. Where did we learn our competitive ways? at home against each other and competitive tee-ball (for those older ones)

Ashley said...

and it wasn't me.

Hub said...

Correct, Ashley gave a valient effort, she had Boardwalk and Park Place sealed up as her own, it was just too little too late.

For the record, I don't know that she can be beaten at Scattergories. She wastes me everytime we play.

Unknown said...

For scattergories you need to have a PhD in Randomwordology to be competitive, the rome and ESPN vernacular is not enough to propel one to victory, especially against those with similar vocabs.

Tikes said...

Mom, as for you inviting us to play games...the only games we had worth playing was that horse on and Stratego. Besides, I would have won every single game, that is why nobody wanted to play.

Amanda said...

Tyson - I haven't chimed in this subject because I didnt want to bring up the fact that the last time we tried to play Monopoly together we almost got divorced.

Playing Monopoly with Tyson equals no fun. Actually its pretty funny though now that I think about what actually happened that game.

Tikes said...

Oh, you mean me acquiring several properties and wealth, and you landing on utility payments and jail? Then asking me to basically give you some property so you could last longer. I replied, I am not just going to give it to you. Her response "you are a jerk" My response "why would I just give you property, then I would probably lose. Not gonna happen." Her response "I am not playing with you, and I might just divorce you and marry someone else who is not an expert at monopoly and pretending to be Donald Trump while playing it...jerk". My reply,..."okay, I guess I win if you are quitting, it was inevitable."

Riley Alexander said...

Wow, maybe you two should stick to more elemetary games like most the ones I have at my house, they include,

Gooey Luie (look it up). And that fish game that you fish the magnet fish out of teh pond. Hungry hungry hippos, ect...

Tikes said...

I won't mention the other words that she spoke to me while physically uprooting the playing board, sending the monopoly peices flying through the air in disgust. I heart you A-Jo.

Amanda said...

You are such a liar Tyson. None of those things happened and I would never throw the board game or say things that cant be mentioned on the blog. I think everyone will believe me.

Tikes said...

Nice excuse, the fact remains that those words were said, and you threw the game board all over the room, and stomped off. I think the brothers will believe me...and most of the sisters. But no matter what you happened.

Ashley said...

I believe Amanda--
Tyson would never exaggerate.

Riley Alexander said...

Sorry A-poor sport, and Ash. I belive Tyson. I myself being a direct Alexander male would also never lie, exagerate, bend the truth, or be sarcastic. I belive T$ to have the same high standards. Tyss, ask grandpa tomorrow if he remembers telling Kara one day while we were working "how to tell when Riley is b.s. ing you"... she responded "how" he then said "whenever his mouth is open" Hilariouse! Wisdom.

Hub said...

Was that Grandpa Ralph that slayed you with that diss? Once again he proves to be an assistant coach of team awesome.

Amanda said...

Thanks Ashley!!

I think that game was more like Ty-poor sport! If he isnt winning he is no longer happy. He wasnt winning that game!

Tikes said...

I think Ashley believed me...

Ashley said...

no I believe Amanda--sorry Ty poor-sport.