Sunday, December 2, 2007

Slipping and Sliding Out of Death's Grasp...

It snowed yesterday. Snow is usually awesome. Snow is awesome when you are in your yard playing. It is awesome when you have a couple flat poles hooked onto your feet or a big tube under your butt and you are flying down a hill. Snow is not awesome when it tries to kill you. Luckily for me, I have wicked, nay, I have nigh super-human driving skills (practice your doughnuts, kiddies). Now, I just had to tell you all about my yestermorn.
Friday afternoon I decided that I would work on Sat. morning. I thought that since I sleep in and laze around the entire morning accomplishing nothing, it would be a good idea to get some hours in. I wake up around 6:30, get showered, ready to roll, put on my winter coat and walk outside. Sweet! I exclaim in my head as I see 5 inches of white awesomeness covering everything. So I start up the tank of an accent I have and race off into the blizzard. I get to work ok. Average speed on the freeway: 45. I thought that was pretty good. At work I get in a rear wheel drive blazer and take off toward south east Provo - all the condos and duplexes on the hill. I didn't even see it coming. Most of the 6 hour work day was uneventful. I did almost slide into parked cars twice. I did slide into about 6 curbs.
The highlight (or scariest thing that happened) came as I was driving down a hill toward the highway. For that one moment I had lost focus and realized too late that I was going a bit fast. On that hill 3 mph was too fast. Anyway, I am sliding down this hill, I try to slow down - denied. I try to turn into someone's driveway or even yard - denied. So sure enough I go sliding onto the highway. Seriously scary. Fortunately I was not T-Boned, but got enough grip as I passed through the 2 north bound lanes to turn into the turning lane and avoid getting hit by anyone in the south bound lanes.
Later that evening we went to visit Marshall and his wife in Spanish Fork. On our way home I had to pass through the mists of darkness going like 10 mph. We could only see for like 15 feet. It was pretty weird. That is what you get for taking the road that passes by the old factory out there. Anyway... point of the post is mostly for Keely and Kaitlyn. Take the car - go practice your doughnuts, but don't get caught. Tell Mom that Dad said it was OK. He did tell our driver's ed class that it was a good idea. It is all to avoid looking like the car below.


Tikes said...

I feel you Casey, we drove home from Beaver in that same storm....not awesome.

Riley Alexander said...

I would have number 2'd my pants. Honestly. I hate that more then anything, that feeling when your sliding and you know your skewed and you suddenly have an urge to yell every swear word in the world because you feel like that might help. -- or is that just me?

Hub said...

I promise you that it is not just you. I know the feeling from experience.

Unknown said...

How scary. I am glad you didnt wreck or get hurt.

Your Mom said...

Well, your story just made me cry and be thankful. That is one reason we always say our prayers every morning.

Amanda said...

I almost had a heart attack driving home on Saturday from St.George. Tyson can testify to that. I HATE driving in the snow worse than anything else!! Oh and Im glad you were safe too!!