Thursday, November 22, 2007

So Soothing...

Ok, so the turkey bowl was a big success today. I will tell you the two stats that matter. 1. We won. 2. I caught a touchdown. Pretty sweet but as you all know, I am an old man. I have put on like 30 pounds since Tyler was born (I'm not sure how) and I am slow. Since the grass was about as soft as concrete, I had some bumps and bruises. Nothing too big. So I get home and take a shower. While in the shower I think "Hey, why don't I just plug this up and take a bath with the jets on. Awesome. It is not a hot tub, but it is as close as I am going to get. It was awesome. So, I would suggest taking a bath to heal all wounds. Your aching body will like you a little more. Plus, Ernie likes taking baths. We all want to be like him, right? Except for the weird relationship he has with Bert. Maybe they played basketball at Duke. Anyway... I forgot how awesome baths are - you just gotta shower first so you don't sit and soak in your own sweaty filth. Yummy.


Riley Alexander said...

Ah, that picture takes me back. yes, there's no doubt in my mind that bert and ernie are both in love with each other. Maybe that's why sesame street is off the air. As for the pie comment, anything but pumkin is runnign for runner up.

Tikes said...

I am not entirely sure how to comment on this is a little bit disturbing.

Unknown said...

I....uhh......don't.....well.....umm......I got nothin.

Riley Alexander said...

I used to think baths were only for women, but, there is a time and a place for a bath. And this is one of them. P.s.- a hot tub does not count as a bath.

Amanda said...

I like Colbys comment the best. I laughed out loud!!