Thursday, November 1, 2007

Inspired by 'The Office' rerun on Tuesday...

I sincerely hope that everyone had a wonderful Halloween. It's a truly great holiday, however, it is now over and we must turn the page. We must move forward, not backward. Upward, not downward. We must focus on the future...
Now, allow me to tell you all how awesome Thanksgiving is. There are many wonderful perks that accompany this historic holiday. In no particular order, these include, but are not limited to:

1) Not one, but TWO days off from work. Epic.
2) Football - in the morning, midday, and evening. Playing or watching. Outstanding.
3) Food. Good food, and lots of it.
4) Family time. Cheesy, I know, but it's gotta be there.
5) 4 days off of school. Hallelujah.

Unfortunately for Thanksgiving, it falls exactly one month before the best holiday ever. You know the one... Christmas. It is a bit sad, but what can you do? Thanksgiving will yet again take the role of red-headed step child of the calendar and be celebrated for one day only (the day after Thanksgiving does not count as a Thanksgiving celebration as it is the unofficial shoppers' holiday).
That's right. When I step outside and turn on my car to go to work, I will hear Christmas music. Yep. Kosy 106.5 (my FM2 #5 preset) will be blasting Manheim faves and other Christmas classics all the way to work. I gotta follow suit. My home will not be decorated until after Thanksgiving (out of a combination of respect for Thanksgiving and laziness), but in the hub, it is now all Christmas all the time. My sidebar is spreading holiday cheer like no one's business. And you like it.


Unknown said...

You lost me at Kozy 106.5. that is rather unacceptable. And we all know my stance on Gayheim (thanks for inspiration ribone) manroller. It is nice that dwight grew his elf ears, maybe that could spark a discussion about how freekin sweet the LOTR are, or Lord of the Rings for you beginners.
war elrond
war Legolas
war the gray havens
war Arwen (or Liv Tyler)
war Galadreal (or cate winslet?)
unwar Uruk-hai being genetic impurity.
war J.R.R.R.R.R.R.R. Tolkein

Hub said...

I am up for a LOTR discussion. I agree with your wars except for Arwen. Are you kidding me? The character and Liv Tyler. Why does anyone think she is even remotely attractive? It drives me nuts. What is the point of her character? To slow the movie down, make it longer, and try to turn it into a love story? I enjoy watching Ork hunts and the rohirrem charge. I don't need mushy mixed with my violence. It gets too crowded. I do think that I'm about due for a good watching of "Return of the King".
As far as my enjoyment of Kosy goes - it is only for 1 month. FM 100 has better Christmas music. Just like you other Scrooges, they wait another month. I will make the switch when they start playing the good stuff. Of course, Rome take top priority from 10-1. That goes without saying. I'm not that brain washed.

Riley Alexander said...

Great post, I will be putting one up today about christmas as well, because well, I forgot about thanksgiving. I loved it though, the red headed step child, it is in deed true. Check this out in baseball terms.... you have to bat after halloween and you got christmas on deck? There's no way your going to get your respect, especially with no demons, monsters, elves, or a jolly fat man that flies around and lives in sub arctic climate year round. The mascots to the other two holidays are too awesome, thanksgiving has nothing.... exept the mayflower. Not impressive. As for kosy.... I try not to partake of it's cheezy hosts, they drive me insane, it reminds me of fox 13's morning show, with the lame script and cheezy fake laughing. I would have gone with "gaytime manroller" personally Colby. But I support it. I belive the final vote was 3-1, for it. Techno goes hand in hand now thanks to the steamroller. About lord of the rings. Yes I own all 3, not the fancy ones like tyss, but I own them none the less. I would have liked blood splattering from all major lacerations in the battle scenes, but I understand the need to keep it under rated BV (only suitable for battlefeild veterans) I am down with a vewing as well. Good idea.

Riley Alexander said...

E# on the (holiday Edition) on your title.

Riley Alexander said...

Also E# on the coutdown. I have tried to find one of those, and also a message board for my blog but cant get any to work, if you find or know how to get a message board on there let me know.

Tikes said...

I fell obligated to chime in on all this rubbish that is polluting C-Hubs blog.

As for the over the top celebration of Christmas one day after Halloween....stop.

I support Christmas and its festivities in December....only.
If you start to celebrate Christmas too early, you become desensitized to its spirit....

I offer a suggestion....for those of you who have premature celebrations. Take a family vacation the week after Thanksgiving. This gives you something to look forward to during the "red headed step child of holidays" between Halloween and Christmas. (note: When did Halloween become awesome? I must have missed that memo, because all I remember on Halloween is that you can get a lot of candy...but I can go to Smiths anytime and buy candy)....this vacation will serve as a beacon to excitement, and will live up to its promise if you go somewhere fun, like Disneyland. Then upon returning from Disneyland, it is December and you are free to celebrate Christmas within the parameters of normalcy. Just a suggestion.

As for L.O.T.R. War everything about it. Casey, have you read the books? If you have, I find it troubling that you ask questions as to Arwens purpose in the story...have you not seen the last few moments of Return of the King when she is wed to Aragorn? How much more important would you like her to be? If there were an epic story written about your life (you being the hero) and everytime Ashley was in it, would you want people to say "Why does anyone think she is even remotely attractive? It drives me nuts. What is the point of her character? To slow the movie down, make it longer, and try to turn it into a love story?" I think not... Her purpose in the movie is not as well explained as it should have been, but she is important nonetheless.
As for Kozy 106.5...there is no place for this in the blungle. It belongs in the garblog, and only in the take it there, and leave it there. I will not be listening to that station, as I have at least one ounce of testosterone running through my body (P's of J, we may need clarification as to where testosterone is actually located, and if it does indeed run anywhere within my body, but you get the point) so when mentioning Kozy, and its music, you are walking the fine line of blashemy as I know that Colby and I are on the same page. As for Gayman steamroller, or whatever it has been dubbed, it is acceptable. I did not say it is awesome...but I will not support the 24/7 love affair which C-Hub has seemed to develop. I fear that C-Hub and his blog are slowly turining into a scrapbooking store, or some holiday party where we all make apple cidar. So maybe we could all go make Christmas ornaments...or maybe we could all go carolling as Team Awesome...


Riley Alexander said...

Multiple points have been adressed here. I did forget to touch upon this specific character. Here's my thoughts. In the movie, I agree with casey, she is the daughter of one of the ugliest men in the world since neaderthals roamed the earth. Her pa, is a great singer in a great band, but is a hideouse looking creature. I bet when people trick or treat at his house, he doens't even dress up and they are still scared. But anyways. Yes, she takes away from all of the voilence in the movie that I need. The battle is awesome. I dont need the virus "chick flickia" or it's twin "love storyitis" seeping into my manly movie. This is what makes a good movie.... ready? no love story.... lots and lots of violence, humer, and suspense, zero amounts of lust unless it's lust for killing, leading to more violence. End of story. She may lead a more prominent roll in the books but I shall never know unless the books become 20 pages or less, with atleast 2 big pictures per page. If that happens my stand on this matter might change.

Riley Alexander said...

As for KOZY, I will get more specific, I will listen to them if my christmas cd is not working. I will not listen to the dj's or the commercials. It is only to be used as a backup option. But not to be banned altogether. As for Thanksgiving... Tell it to get cool asap, or I'm still not going to give it the time of day. Christmas owns you thanksgiving, and there's nothing you can do about it. Your pumkin pie is powerful, but not enough, where's the presents? The music? Oh you dont have any? Your a loser, and your overrated. Christmas does start Nov 1, atleast in my casa, In fact I am going to try to put up the lights today, but sam's not for it.

Riley Alexander said...

War me threatning and putting the diss on thankgiving like it was a person.

Tikes said...

That diss on thanksgiving from the Christmas point of view was funny.

Which band is Elrond in?

Tikes said...

Oh, I guess you mean her real pa...

I misunderstood.

Riley Alexander said...

Yes I meant her real dad. Surely you understood his unatractivenss. I'm going to say anything but... it's a good thing he has money.

Amanda said...

I like your newly Christmas decorated blog minus the really christmas-y disgusting knee picture though.

Tyson you are so full of the Christmas spirit right now, Im amazed!

Hub said...

Yes, I am here to defend my honor. Obviously Christmas is awesome because it conjurs such passion from all life forms. Riley, your mascot analogy was excellent. Do you think a cornucopia or Pocahontas is going to be able to hit when Jack Freaking Frost is on the mound? The answer is no.
Ok, as for Liv Tyler...
She is not attractive to or woman. Enough said.
As for Arwen. Don't pretend like you don't skip forward everytime you see her in the movie. When she escapes with Frodo, that is awesome, every other time you see her... boring. Now don't get reality mixed up with fiction. I am as scared of Aragon coming and slicing my head off as I am of Harry Potter casting an expelliarmus on me and having my keyboard fly away and halting my blogging abilities. Not going to happen. I have not read the book, so I am unsure as to her exact part/importance. I am talking movie character here. For the record, LOTR is awesome. The MOVIES just have one flaw and that's what they have done with Arwen. That is all. I did enjoy Eowyn stabbing the witch king in the face. As I enjoyed the rest of the 12 hour trilogy. I wish they were longer.
As for Kosy... I admit I may have stepped over the line here, but I can't bust out my Christmas CD's until after T-giving. I have to live with what is there. I change the station during commercials, DJ ramblings, the Jim Rome Show, and sub-par songs.
War vacations after Thanksgiving.
War the name Ralphie - two excellent characters.
War Blogs.

Riley Alexander said...

ha, jack frost on the mound that was awesome. What's his era now a days? All I know is that the cornacopia couldn't hit sand if he fell off a camel.

Hub said...

I can just see John Smith up there swinging away with his musket.

Hub said...

Riley, try and search for "message board" and it should bring one up. It is the third one down (at least for me). I havn't had any problems with this site so I hope that is what you are looking for.

Riley Alexander said...

I mean more of a message board then a box thing, but I'll try that one too. Hey Tyson will you turn up Narada, and while your up..... pass the eggnog!

Tikes said...

I can proudly say that I have never heard Narada in my entire 27 year existence.

Riley Alexander said...

Tyson, your killing me! you've never heard it? Are you straight manniheim? You dont listen to the gayest stuff ever a.k.a. little vienna chior do you?.... You wont be able to run when I show up to your house, pumping Narada with my boombox on my shoulder, then you'll be like "where have you been all my life" Come to think of it... "polar express is awesome!"

Tikes said...

Ri-Bone, I seriously don't know you right now. All of those things I expect from your mom....I guess if I need to talk to you, I will just find out when your ward choir practice is, and I will catch you there. Yep, I just said that. E-Burn.

Hub said...

That burn was defenitely a level 3. I have to say the Narada is one of the best Christmas Albums ever though. It really is. I will burn you a copy and share (after Thanksgiving if you like) but it is awesome. Pat-a-pan and Ukranian Carol are my faves from the CD. I think I might have a listen right now. That would put me in the perfect mood.

Riley Alexander said...

Ouch. Atleast a level 3. But I'm sure you know that I would have nothing to do with singing church hyms, especially with the ward chior. Not that there is anything wrong with that. But it's just a little "lame" for me, throw in some crazy awesome guitar riffs and we're in business! I agree with C-hub that Narada rocks. I have it on my zen that I forgot at my house today, I'll have to bring it to work tomorrow. I dont have my christmas cds out yet either so I did it.... I tried KOZY as a backup to a backup option, and well. It was a solo with some little boy that hadn't hit puberty yet.... yeah, changed it in about 2 seconds. I'll try again in a couple days if the need arises.

Your Mom said...

I have an idea, Casey...why don't you just put some of those Narada songs on your blog here so that they play whenever someone visits?

Tikes said...

Wow mom, why don't you just tell C-Hub to shut down his blog. That is essentially what would happen.