Saturday, October 13, 2007

The Sequel

I know that all of you are dying to know what is happening to ferrets in this world. Well, I am here to keep you informed. You can call me Mr. Skeeter. I thought that I would at least tell/show you of one success story. This lucky and street smart ferret seems to have escaped the clutches of his psychotic owners, but he had a dream. He had a dream to become rich and famous. He went out into the world and made money however he could. Unfortunately, he did it the wrong way. He did not keep his morals in check. See for yourself. Shame

Yes, another video. There is also a Diet Mtn. Dew commercial of a ferret attacking some people that is pretty good. I'm telling you - the blog is called Casey's Media Hub for a reason.


Riley Alexander said...

See, maybe that lady should watch this. It's that kind of maltreatment that leads farrets to do things like this. Their mind, has been broken, and their behavior begins to become worse and worse. It's a shame. Maybe that lady should be put in the freezer.

Tikes said...

I felt like I needed to take a shower after watching that. Thanks....for nothing.