Thursday, July 24, 2008

I found it. The next big thing is almost within my reach. I have been shopping the last couple days in order to find my next putter. I am currently borrowing Tikes old one, and it has treated me well, but I feel the urge to plunge myself deeper into golf debt.

The winner of my putting affection is…. the Odyssey White Hot Sabertooth. It is money, it hits the ball smoothly, and it looks cool (maybe its most important feature). I figure that if it is good enough for Rocco, then it is good enough for me.

There is just one catch… It retails at a cool $169.99. I saw the price tag and started thinking…

Birthday – no, just passed.

Father’s Day – nope, also just passed.

Christmas – no, too far away.

Half birthday – no, again too far away.

Since I have 0 excuses to buy it and 0 dollars in the ‘buy more golf stuff’ fund, I am in a pickle. But I don’t give up so easy. I get to thinking again… I can perform slave labor for someone that could use my (relative) youth. I ponder for a bit, and Boom, Ralph Ricardo is the answer to my predicament. Yes sir, he always has something going on in one of his two yards. And right now is no exception. His latest leveling/sod laying project is already underway… and I am a part of it. The very same man that funded buying my Rams is going to come through in the clutch and hook me up once again.

Now when I eventually (it could be days, weeks, or even months) buy my sabertooth; I can really say that I paid for it with blood, sweat, and tears. Tears of joy, of course.


Riley Alexander said...

Maybe we should call him the enabler for your golfing addition.

Anonymous said...

rocco?, as in rocco mediocre-ate? the same one that talked smack about Tiger and then got pummelled by him? uh, good choice...I think?

Hub said...

Have you seen the prices of new scotty cameron putters? They are pretty much not within my price range... even with Ralph's scholarship fund.

Tobias said...

Try the Taylor Made Rosi. That is the putter I want. I have a ping now. Its ok, but I need a Rosi...

Colby Alexander said...
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Colby Alexander said...
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Anonymous said...

putters are the least important club in your bag. its how long you have known your putter that is the key. have you taken your putter to many a morning round, tournaments, putting greens, fiesta fun mini golf? the more intimately you know your putter, its weight, how it feels in your hand as it sways to and fro in its gentle parabolic curve before lovingly easing the ball in its predestined line is the important part. you could putt with a shovel if you held it right.......

Anonymous said...

....but I use a ping.

Tikes said...

Kody....your comment further crushes your stereotype as an Oprah want a putter called the Rosi.


I use a fake odyssey that Dr. P won at some 2nd rate tourney about 3 years ago. Because it really doesn't matter what putter I use, I still 3 putt way too often.

Riley Alexander said...

This is where I had to turn my back on my cougar set. The putter that came with my set was honestly like hitting with a shovel. A really crappy shovel.

Hub said...

My sumo didn't cut 10 strokes off my game. My shoes didn't either. I still need to shave alot of strokes, so I figure since it can't be me - maybe it's the putter.

Riley Alexander said...

I blame my horrible shots, drives, ect.. on my clubs too. Because my motto is "Dont spend $100 on your $10,000,000 swing.

Hub said...

Well, I have had a half change of heart... Tikes old putter is working the greens right now.

Riley Alexander said...

I just got a call from your wallet, it said to tell you "thanks"

Ashley said...

so does your wife.

And like our conversation earlier sweetie-there is another gift-giving event you totally spaced...

Riley Alexander said...

How could I forget.... Victory over Japan Day.

Hub said...

I didn't forget our anniversary. I figured that the golfing trip to gilbert was gift enough.

I don't know if being in Arizona will be hotter than it was on our wedding day, though.

Riley Alexander said...

Technically, you are both going to arizona so it's not like this is a gift soley for you. I think you may be able to "swing getting this putter" If not, you can also have my old ram one if Tikes old putter ever starts to turn against you.
War ash bringing another gift exchanging day to the surface.

Anonymous said...

details hub?

Tobias said...

Hub... Why don't you just steal a putter from Trafalga? Maybe Ashley could five finger discount one for you next time she is there? Just a thought

Tobias said...

And Tikes... Its a taylormade putter, and it would eat a piece of %$%& like Rosi O for breakfast...

Tobias said...
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Tobias said...

I said I like the O show not the lezb"O" show...

Hub said...

It was like 100 degrees and I was in a tux. If you read that some other way, then... well... er... don't worry about it.

Riley Alexander said...

I remember I already had a sunburn and that hot day made it feel even better. I would say go with Tobi and steal a trafalga putter. They are awesome, precise, like 24' long, and made of rubber, what more do you want in a putter.